Welcome to the <application name> system

The purpose of this application is ...

This page contains information that can be useful when using the application. Should you need any clarifications or more information, please contact Pro Gamma at: info@progamma.com.



You can select a form using the menus available on the left side of the screen. You can also open multiple forms simultaneously. If you do, you can manage them using the list of the open forms displayed below the menu. The menu contains the following items:

 MASTER DATA: this form makes it possible to ....

 TABLES:          this form makes it possible to ....


Query by example:
The forms used for displaying/editing data are usually opened in search mode (fields are highlighted in green), which allows you to enter search criteria for data. Click the (find) button to start searching and view the results. To enter your search criteria, use the following notation:

  • Exact value: when you enter a value in a field, all the rows that contain the value will be found.

  • Greater than, Less than: use >(value) or <(value) to find all the data satisfying the condition.

  • Does not equal: use #(value) to find all the data satisfying the condition.

  • Empty: use ! to find all the data for which the field is empty.

  • Not empty: use . to find all the data for which the field has a value.

  • Substring: use * or % to search by substring (e.g. *ext* will find all the rows containing the word ext in that field).

  • Range: use the (value1):(value2) notation to find a range of values.

  • Multiple criteria: use ; to combine different simple criteria (e.g. <10;>20 finds all the data less than or equal to 10 and greater than or equal to 20).

Selecting rows:
In list view, at the left of the form you can find some buttons that can be used as row selectors. You can select a row by clicking the corresponding selector. Active rows are highlighted.

Sorting rows:
In list view, you can sort the rows based on the values of a field by clicking the column header.

Modifying data:
To modify data or insert new rows, you can simply enter the new data either in table mode or in free-form mode. It is possible to modify multiple rows at once. Once you are done, you can save the data by clicking the button or undo the changes by clicking . While data is being modified, the panel switches to editing mode and no additional rows can be displayed until you save or undo the changes. To select data through a combo box, click . The combo box disappears as soon as you click on any button.

Modifying document fields:
To edit document fields, click . Now you can browse to the file that you want to upload for replacing the current one. Click again to confirm your choice. You can also click
to delete an image.

Buttons for managing forms:
The following buttons are available in each data panel:

  • : show the other rows in the list.

  • : finds data based on the specified criteria.

  • : allows entering different search criteria.

  • : in search mode this button allows to clear all criteria, otherwise it allows to undo any changes made to the data.

  • : prepares for the insertion of a new row.

  • : deletes a row.

  • : duplicates a row.

  • : saves changes.